How To See Who Stalks Your Instagram? (Working Methods)

Stalking on social media platforms is something that a lot of people do to find out about a person’s life and Instagram is one of the best platforms to do so because it’s very difficult that the other person will find this out. A lot of people have been wondering for a while how to see who stalks your Instagram and everyone has different types of tricks to find this out.

how to see who stalks your instagram

In this blog post, we are going to share some of the methods through which you can find out who’s stalking you on Instagram. Make sure you stick to the end of this article so that you won’t miss out on anything.

How To See Who Stalks Your Instagram 2021?

Instagram officially does not tell you who viewed your Instagram profile or has watched your stories several times and we all want to know who’s admiring us secretly and checking up on our profile. Here are some of the ways to know who’s stalking you on Instagram.

Through Account Statistics

Instagram gives brief information to business and creator accounts about the account followers, insights about posts and where your followers are mostly from, and also the age group of people who follow you. 

This insight of your account followers is not available to personal account users, only business and creator accounts get this feature.

To change your account to business or creator and view account insights follow the steps given below:

Step 1: Go to your Instagram profile and click on the three horizontal lines at the top right corner.

how to see who stalks your instagram using insights

Step 2: Click on settings and then go to “Account”.

switch to professional account

Step 3: Scroll to the bottom and click on “Switch to professional account”.

After clicking on this fill out all the details asked and your account will be changed to a business account\ creator account.

Step 4: Now to view your account insights again go to your Instagram profile and click on three horizontal lines.

View instagram insights

Step 5: Then click on “Insights” and now you will be able to see all the statistics. 

Instagram Stories

Instagram allows stories to appear for 24 hours for people to see them but only the people who follow you will be able to see it on their feed and through this, we cannot know who’s stalking us. But if you have an open account and someone who is not following you has viewed your story you can find their name at the bottom of the viewer’s list in your story.

Another way of knowing how many people are visiting your profile after viewing your Instagram story is through story insights.

You can see all the story insights by:

Step 1: Open your own story and swipe up.

how to see who stalks your instagram using analytics

Step 2: Click on the four vertical bars representing the insights icon at the left side of the viewer’s icon.

Now you can see all the engagements like profile visits and link clicks which are done through your Instagram story. But to see the story insights you must first switch to a creator or business account. 

Using Instagram Analytics

This is one of the best ways to know if someone is stalking you or not. Using Instagram analytics you can know if the person you are suspicious about is stalking your profile or not.

Follow the steps given below to do so:

Step 1: Swipe right to the camera section and click on the settings icon at the top left corner.

How to hide instagram story

Step 2: Now click on “Story” and then go to “Hide story from”. 

Now select everyone on your follower’s list except the person you have your suspicion on.

Step 3: Now post a story and wait for that person to view it.

Step 4: Now open the Instagram analytics tool you are using and there you can see your story view count which means the number of times your story has been viewed. 

So if your story has been viewed multiple times then your suspicion is correct and the person is stalking you.

Using Third Party Applications

There are a lot of third-party tracker applications available for Instagram on the play store and app store. These apps collect your private data and analyse it to tell you who’s been visiting your profile and also information about followers and unfollowers.

Personally, I would recommend you not to use such third-party apps because they ask for your Instagram Id and password and collect all your data from your profile which is not safe. Also, most of these applications are paid and do not work. 


What Is Considered Stalking On Instagram?

Stalking on Instagram means that a person is gaining information from your profile without your knowledge. There can be a lot of motives behind this so be safe from such people.

How To See Who Stalks Your Instagram Without App?

There is no sure method to know who’s been stalking your Instagram account but you can use the above methods like using Instagram analytics and insights on your profile to know about your stalkers.

Closure | How To See Who Stalks Your Instagram

It is very easy to stalk someone without their knowledge on social media platforms like Instagram. A lot of people have asked questions about “How to see who stalks your Instagram” on the internet. So in this article, we have listed some of the methods which you can use to keep a check on your stalkers and do not go for third-party tracker applications to keep your private information safe. 

If you have any questions or suggestions, let us know in the comment section down below.


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